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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: zo jun 12, 2011 13:38 

Hier zal ik mijn gedichten en rijmen neerzetten. Het zijn voornamelijk gevoelens of dingen waar ik over schrijf, zelf bedacht of samengevoegt van allerlei liederen en rijmen.
Ik haal mijn inspiratie uit het niets weleens, maar vaak komt het uit films & muziek etc.. er kan weleens wat tekst daarvan bij zitten. Je herkent het of herkent het niet, Het is leuk om te doen, maar doe het ook serieus wil er wel meer mee doen.

Het is vooral engels maar er zit ook nederlands spul bij, geef je mening (kritiek) of hulp voor veranderingen zijn welkom en helpt me.


Dancing under the stars.

It’s midnight everything is quiet, everything is dark no light?
Yes there is! The stars are shining bright and the moon is full.
The moonbeams are dancing, on a place where 2 people are standing.
Can you hear! There is music but how?
Take my hand, take a breath pull me close and take one step..
And let the music be your guide..
Promise me we’ll keep dancing, no matter how?
Don’t be afraid to fall, I’ll catch you and with every step.
We just keep getting better, our dance won’t stop.

So can I have this dance my dear..
So we can dance the night away, and dance with the moonbeams.
Keep your eyes on me, because I want to see the stars in your eyes.
All I gotta do is believe, I feel it in my heart with every step.
The love in our hearts feels so right, and it feels so right to be here with you..
Together or not our dance won’t stop, what we have is worth fighting for.

Can you hear the music, can you feel the love.
Take my hand, I’ll take the lead pull me close and take one step..
Promise me we’ll keep dancing, no matter how?
Don’t be afraid to fall, I’ll catch you and with every step.
We just keep getting better, our dance won’t stop.
This night last forever, it’s the night of our dreams

So we are dancing under the stars, like were meant to be..
Let’s dance..

En 2 nieuwe net klaar.

Black sea

I stare at the black sea before me
The water is so empty and dark
So hypnotic, no movement anywhere
It is so dark, there is no time in there
It has a grip on me, it was waiting for me
I go through it, and disappear..

Nothing to see, no wrinkle anywhere
Endless black… what do I need?
I try, I really try to touch my soul
I can’t go up anymore, here I go
Deeper and deeper, but always see the other side
Shadows and time, hovering on shore
Please save me…
People’s faces fade away
Please save me from this darkness

Emotions and senses are numb
No thoughts in my head, a smile and a tear..
What’s what up in here?
My hand up high, try to break the black mirror
A face, a shivering of a shadow.. an illusion..
who is so fearless? To want to be by my side
Movement rises me up, just when I let go

But nothing gives movement to the black mirror sea
And every living soul is lost, and time stands still
I am saved.. but still I am waiting
Please save me from this darkness
All I need is a soul, I am still pure..

Black sea, endless still
Everyone in there, need something
To save there soul
All I need now is a fire
So there will be light, by every good soul.


Standing high

Before me is all I need, to let go of my bitter soul
Cause I am not strong anymore
Lost so much love.. please save me..
Listen to the rain in my heart
No more waiting, no need to hide anymore
The pain has run to deep…

I go nowhere, my path ends here
Above this endless black..
So hypnotic, it has a grip on me
A tear falls down below, into to the dark abyss
Light as a feather, it fades away
A shivering down my spine
To see this timeless dark abyss
Nothing left to lose, time has lost meaning to me
Emotions and senses are numb, no thoughts in my head
I try to reach my soul, just before I let go

Save me from this darkness
Can’t go on no more.. all I need..
Here I go.. then for a second
So light.. so dark.. So deep

Timeless second.. so fast is this shadow
you’re hand in mine, gives warm light
that gives me a smile
love so pure.. like this hand in mine
a voice so pure..
I am here for you, don’t let go
Now nothing even this abyss
Can’t get your pure soul
Our bond is the cure!

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: za jun 18, 2011 13:30 

Freezing over

It is freezing, go to the other side.
Quickly now, before you freeze over.
With each step you freeze a little bit.
But the voice you hear, by the other side
Push you further, and gives you strength.
You see the light, that gives you hope!
You’re eyes set in fire, and you’re mind at the light.

Before you were running, but now it’s difficult.
Because you can’t almost go any further!
With each step, you freeze over.
Now you think you’re moving, but you aren’t!!
You try to break the ice, it doesn’t work.
A bit later you’re frozen, but the fire in you’re eyes remain!

Then because of you’re hope, a crack in the ice
You’re fire eyes melt the ice, because of the other side.
The ice breaks, and you’re screaming…
You run and reach the other side, where you’re love is.
You stand still before her cold grave bed! And look at her.
She’s so cold, but with you’re burning desire.
You give her the kiss of light, but then you crash.

You don’t see her awake, because you die..
The ice has done it’s work, you’re heart is frozen over!

The love and the voice (second part)

You’re finally here, the promise most come now
But why I don’t see the light, I hear no voice?
The ice has done it’s work, you’re heart is frozen over!
You lay next to her…
She’s wakes up and sees you, she whisper sweet things in you’re ear,
she takes you in her arms, she looks in you’re eyes,
and sees the fire eyes are dying,
She close her eyes, and twist her mind,
then she lift her head, and screams it out.
And does her work before she dies…the ice is melting after all those years.
But the two of you are frozen over!
The love is strong because, the voice is heard over years
And give hope en grief, to everyone to hear

The ice is gone the days have past..
The man in cloak is smiling, he was watching everything!
In his hands he has a light! And brings there souls to the other side…

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: do jun 23, 2011 17:45 

Op inspiratie van de vlammende victoria uit twilight:


When this vampire was born
Nothing would stop her
No one would catch her
You only would see
Red flashes all around
Danger is closer than you think
When she’s near
There are whispers in the wind
‘I have got a red ruby blood desire’
And that calls your name
It gives chills down your spine
Beware of the flaming eyes
When they are locked on you
They gives you the creeps
out of nowhere


There in the woods
Where the sunbeams shines
There she’s stands frozen
Eyes of desire
Hands like steel
Waiting for the challenge
She waits for the kill
There she runs like fire
Dances in the wind
Time slows for those
Who never dies


Her hair burns like fire
Lips red like blood
Eyes like red ruby diamonds
that haunts you for life
Dances through fire
Glides like the wind
This Queen of desire
Has nothing to lose
She fights for the kill
Revenge is her skill
Beware if she locks in to you.

This is the phoenix of fire
The beautiful Victoria vampire.

Queen of the hell

Who is the queen of hell
Her hair red like fire
Her lips are red like flowers
Her eyes are red ruby diamonds
Eyes of desire, no man resist
She runs like the wind
Red flashes through the land
Dances through fire
She’s a phoenix of fire

Vampire queen Victoria.

Roodharige koningin

Gevaar over al om je heen
Je draait je om.. rode schimmen
Rillingen over je rug
Niks te zien waar je ook kijkt
Gevaar is dichtbij dan je denkt
Je naam fluisterend in de wind
Rode flarden schieten je voorbij

Daar in het licht
De roodharige koningin
Vurige ogen als de hel
Tanden zo scherp
Geeft me kippenvel
Een seconde voor me ogen
Die ogen als de hel
Geeft me angst, als de duivel zelf
Springt ze als een rode boog
Met haar tanden in me vel

Ik schrik wakker uit me droom
Ik weet wie ze was.. Victoria
Mijn roodharige liefde van de hel

Vurige dame

Tussen de bomen
In het licht van de zon
Staat Victoria
Wraak belust
Haar rood als vuur
Lippen zo rood als een roos
Ogen rood als diamanten
Haar voor de ogen
Ogen schieten vuur

Vacht zo zacht
Tanden zo scherp
Oren gespitst
Ogen zo donker
Wolfman klaar voor het gevecht

Takken breken, schimmen bewegen
Rode schimmen door de bomen
Tijd is niet bewogen
Roodharige duivel breekt door bomen
Wolfman klaar om te doden
Vuurbal schiet door de bomen
Vliegt over de klif
Wolfman huilt voor de dode

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: zo jul 17, 2011 8:28 

Kreeg net inspiratie.

Our love is strong.

I wanna be with you forever
My love’s so strong

I walk through fire
Learn how to fly
So I can find you
When I see you shine like the sun
You are the dawn through the night

I see you in waterfalls
I see you ride on a horse
When they run on the prairie
Hear them trembeling
Through fire and water

I go to the deepest part of earth
To find a diamond
So pure as you
To go around the earth
I would overcome
Every obstacle
To save your life

When we are together
Our fire burns so strong
Our moment is
Lying and watching
The sun comes down in sea
Every touch so electric
Every kiss so soft
When you are asleep
You look so lovely
You are the one

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: vr jul 29, 2011 7:55 

Liefdes pad

Voetstap en bloemblaadjes
Volg ik in het zand
Ik kom uit op het strand
Verderop zie ik een hemelpoort
Ingegroeid door klimop en rozen
Ik loop er door heen
En wordt wakker
In mijn meisjes armen

Hemel ogen

Dit meisje dat hier ligt
Slaapt zo sereen en stil
Kan hier uren liggen kijken
Maar de zon komt op
En schijnt door de gordijnen
Op haar gezicht
Die begint te fonkelen
Als een diamant
Ik geef een kus op haar wang
Ze wordt wakker uit haar droom
Ze opent haar ogen
En ik verdrink in haar blauwe ogen

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: di aug 16, 2011 16:08 

De lange weg

Heb net iemand verloren
Nu moet ik komen kijken
Het gebouw waar ik voor sta
Geeft me opeens de rillingen
Ik loop de hoek om
Nog een hal te gaan

Maar er lijkt geen eind aan te komen
Stap na stap, doet me beven
Wat zal ik gaan beleven
Geen eind aan zicht
En de muren lijken te bewegen
Ze sluiten me in, de gang wordt lang
Tranen beginnen te stromen
Terwijl ik me overeind hou

Schaduwen spelen, schieten over de gang
Maar ik houd moed
Woorden fluisteren me voorbij
Deinsen me terug
Dit zal me dag en nacht
Door me hoofd blijven spoken
Met me hand op de hendel
En een traan die valt op me hand
Is er geen weg meer terug?

De persoon die ik ben

het leven begint met een nieuwe dag
dat zegt hier ben ik.
het leven begint met jonge harten
van pasgeboorte.
Een nieuwe start, een nieuwe dag
Elke dag opnieuw, hier ben ik
Hier ben ik, dit ben ik.
Wachtend op een plan, na al die tijd
Om verder te gaan, samen met jouw.

Hier ben ik…

Ik wil nergens anders zijn, dan hier samen of alleen
Op deze aarde, met elke dag een nieuw plan
voel het kloppende hart, van elke nieuwe dag
want hier zijn wij, net begonnen na al die tijd.

Dit ben ik…

Maak je dromen waar, want het is een nieuwe wereld
Met elke dag een nieuwe start, en het kloppen van jonge harten.
Waar wil je zijn, want mijn dromen komen hier vannacht.
Na al dat gereis zijn we nog even sterk, omdat dit onze plek is
Hier ben ik, klaar voor een nieuwe start.
Dit ben ik, klaar voor de geboorte, het leven
En voor jouw, wild en vrij
Want dit ben ik.

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: do jan 05, 2012 8:17 

Kreeg inspiratie van een liedje een tijd terug, iets wat iedereen wel meemaakt of kent, en had al iets in m'n hoofd dus hierbij:

Carry your burden

We all have
A burden on our shoulders
I know it all to well
After so many… cry
But we all have to move on
Not to lose ourselves in desperation

Now I travel around
On a mission it seems..
And after so many years
With all the burdens
On my shoulders
It still touch me
I know what it means..
And I don’t want to
That my hearts turns to stone
It troubles me.. so much

Life stands still..

I search for the people
that are left behind, they don’t know
To give them..
Some news, words, things
And quickly move one
To give them space
And watch them breathing
For the last time
I am frozen.. it is so hard
I carry the burden home
And leave a piece of my soul

The moments are frozen..

( I never go home - Second part)

The burdens I travel with
Gets stronger after so many years
I discover more, after a touch
I watch them breathing
For the last time
It gets harder to move on

Life stands still
The moments are frozen
I see the lost and desperation
People I see, never there faces
Only the game of shadows
From the past
Emotions and images frozen…
The wind whispers around me
Words lost and forgotten
The past long gone… fills my heart
It troubles me.. so much

I know what it means…

So I quickly move on..
Only glance back
When it is to quite…
I say soft and tenderly
A little wish in the wind
‘’Let fly your burden
So I take it with me
Wherever I travel
Cause I never
Go home…’’

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: vr jan 06, 2012 19:18 

Man of the city

I have been working
On this building
From the beginning
Go up and down every day
Have seen the city change
Work is never done
But I helped the city growing
But I don’t know
If I see the end of this

I know what I miss
So I better read between the lines
Through the windows, I see love
I wish that to, but then I miss this..

I’m invisible
No one sees me work
Way up here
Even when I walk on wires of steel
Or even walk on glass
I can see the mist come and go
I’m the sound in the mist
That you will hear
I see the sun rise and set
That’s so beautiful up here

People look up, to see what’s been build
So often they see me
Without me knowing
My love was there to
She has been waiting
Even come up
Have worked and loved together
But she knew, we could not be a family
I am a many of the city

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: za jan 07, 2012 15:52 

In the garden

In the morning glory, there in the garden
Walks a man alone, deep in thoughts.
While the sun is rising, the flowers are opening.
The garden bathes, in the morning light.
Coloured leafs, flying in the wind.
The man sits, on a bench on the water side.
Looking in the reflection, but what does he see?
He’s not alone, while a beam of light surrounds him.
There in the water, there’s an angel next to him.
No word, just a smile, and she’s gone again.
The man left alone, but looking up.
Looks around him.
Paradise he sees, the garden is alive!
A tear across his cheek, when he hears the music.
The music of the garden, for everyone to hear or seek!

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: za feb 25, 2012 11:48 

Princess trapped in time

Take a walk on the wild side
Don’t play safe
Cause once we will die

Come love
Let go to the castle
Up there on the hill
Let’s see of the legend’s true
A princess trapped in time
Bound by magic, hypnotized
No one comes near…

Kiss me now
Kiss me underway
Even in the rain
Love, let’s make the journey
But trouble is underway
We got there, but with blood and tears
And dead who lures underway

I see her, to late
Music voice is hypnotized
Dangerous animals everywhere
Every step near, breaks my heart
Trapped in her eyes
Only her voice speaks in my mind

Love sees it all
Only one thing to do
No one knows
What happened here in time
Once we will all die…

Sluier der twijfel

Hier ben ik
In de wereld achter dromen
Niet levend noch dood
Het is een aards paradijs
Voor de oversteek met de boot
voor wat er ginder ligt
Maar ik kan geen afscheid nemen
Ik kijk achterom, door het gordijn
Zie me huis, zie degene die ik lief heb
Ik wil wat zeggen, zoals geen zorgen
Maar krijg niks uit me keel

Ik raak de sluier aan, voorzichtig
Rimpels ontstaan…
Zenuwachtig ga ik er doorheen
Ik dwaal opeens door het huis
Raak de mensen aan
Niemand die wat merkt
Behalve een vluchtige zucht

Kijken door het raam
Naar de wereld zoals ik die ken
Kijk achterom, en verdwijn
Om bij de geliefde aan de andere kant te zijn

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Woonplaats: avatar's pandora
BerichtGeplaatst: zo jun 24, 2012 8:38 

Even bezig geweest met andere dingen, was dit dus vergeten..

Gentleman dreams

I am a gentleman
Could I be the last?
I don’t know
Even the rules
Or even the manners
Is it all the same
Or has it changed?
The world is not the same
And I have held it in!

It seems all good is gone
And I am stuck in the past!
I have to change, they say…
You don’t know me very well
It only makes me stronger
To hold on to it, it makes me lighter
I am not a fighter!
I am a gentleman..

I don’t have a hat
But that doesn’t stop me
From giving a smile..
I don’t have a car
But I still hold open the door..
My heart maybe is broken
But I don’t let it know!
I am a gentleman
Who holds out in the shadows
For his moment to shine…


Labyrinth ways

If I knew back then
What I know now!
I would bow down
Not dive in blank…
It’s a labyrinth
Of lies and sorrow
A desperate search
For a way out!
And to find myself
And what’s beyond
For me..

Nobody’s perfect
No one’s completed

I would bow down
Search for strength
With my hand in the concrete!
Dreams are gone, wake up..
Make some new ones
Fallen once.. not twice..
Take the right pad
Not get lost again.. maybe?
And change now
What you want to do
And don’t stop for anyone..
But life’s a labyrinth


Mountain of light

Shadows everywhere
Surrounding in the last light
Dooming in through the labyrinth
Of life..
Angels light hold stand
On the mountain of fantasy
That you only can reach
With an open heart..
So don’t bow down
When walls closing in!
And gravity drives you insane

Not everything is what it seems?
The stars are crashing down tonight
To give light, don’t get blind..
Don’t dream, or lies sneak in!
Take your will and hold on
Give your humanity
And let yourself go insane..
When you know
You don’t have to do it alone..
So the young one
Lead the way!

Once there don’t fight
Only give in, see the young one
And give light, pure soul
Know what to do!
Smile.. and give it all
Shadows will disappear
From your heart and mind…

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