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BerichtGeplaatst: za jul 23, 2011 15:07 

Sorry voor de vreselijke saaie titel van dit topic, maar ik kon niets beters verzinnen. Als ik het goed begrepen heb mag ik in dit topic mijn One shots plaatsen. Het is mijn bedoeling om ze allemaal in het Engels te schrijven. Ik ben aardig goed in Engels, maar ik heb er nog nooit verhalen in geschreven. Kritiek mag natuurlijk altijd, maar wel graag in het reactietopic. Niets zo vervelend als steeds gestoord worden door reacties als je rustig verhaaltjes aan het lezen bent. ;) Anyway, hier komen dus mijn one shots.

1. Dragon lovers (Charlie Weasley)

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.

Laatst bijgewerkt door Marrymuis op za jul 23, 2011 15:09, in totaal 1 keer bewerkt.


2e jaars

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BerichtGeplaatst: za jul 23, 2011 15:07 

Dragon Lovers
“You’re a good girl, Saffron,” Charlie said while petting the dragon on her head. Saffron growled and laid her hear on Charlie’s shoulder. He smiled.
“You’re really attached to her, aren’t you?” Charlie lifted his head, and looked into her bright blue eyes.
“I guess I am,” he said, grinning at her. “She’s a very special dragon.”
“I know,” Emily said and she sat down next to him. “How come you never seem to miss anything here? So far away from your family and friends.” Charlie shrugged.
“I’ve got friends here too,” he said, while looking at the dragon. She laughed.
“Do you also have friends who don’t try to roast you at least once a day?” she asked. Charlie grinned and looked at the scars on his arms. Almost all of them were from severe burnings he had caught while working with the dragons.
“Have you ever thought of going back home?” she asked. Charlie shrugged again.
“Only when Youknowwho was rising,” he said. “I was at home when my family was in danger and fought for them, but I missed the dragons every single day. This is my home. This is where I belong.”
“I know,” Emily said. “I was just wondering how you did it. I wouldn’t be able to be so far away from my loved ones. I’d miss them so much, I simply can’t cope with the idea of seeing them only once or twice a year.” Charlie sighed.
“I miss them everyday,” he said, “but I can’t live without the dragons either.” Emily nodded.
“It feels like they really understand you, doesn’t it. Like they can look straight into your soul.” Charlie smiled at the dragon.
“They can,” he said simply. “Although I do think humans can understand me too. I’m not a very complex person.”
“Neither am I,” Emily said.
“Oh,” Charlie said, “I thought that was what all women wanted to be. Mysterious creatures and all that.” Emily shook her head.
“Not me,” she said, “I’m actually quite straight-forward.” She looked him in the eye, her blue eyes even brighter than they were before.
“Oh are you?” Charlie grinned. Emily nodded and bow towards him. He closed his eyes and waited till she reached his lips. He smiled when he felt her warm, rosy lips on his, and kissed her back.
“I love you, Charlie,” Emily said when she pulled back again.
“Yeah,” he grinned, “that is indeed quite straight-forward.” Emily chuckled. A sweet, girly chuckle it was.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I guess there’s still something feminine about me.” Charlie grinned and grabbed her hand.
“Told you I had friends here too."

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.

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